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Only Newsletter Subscribers Will Have Access to this Quiz


How's your relationship going?

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shan boodram and jared bradyLovers Letters by Shan

what this quiz covers

what this worksheet covers

Whether it's a long-term romantic partner, a new connection, a friend or family member - this quiz was designed to help you assess the current health of the connection you share. While there are a lot of things that relationships require, I believe when it comes down to it the only relationship goals you’ll ever need are the three things outlined in this quiz. So let's explore where does your connection currently stands!

This quiz is only available for those who sign up for Lovers Letters, my weekly newsletter. Once you sign up you will get two resources back to back - this quiz along with a personal story of why it's so powerful to me and then the next day you get a playlist of my fav intimate songs! After that I'll appear in your inbox on Sundays and for those of you who live in LA probably more frequently so I can share casting notices, in-person classes and meetups!

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Subscribe to get Access to this Quiz
Icon of a human head with a heart in place of a brain
Learn about the three elements of a healthy relationship
Icon of an upward facing hand holding a heart
Get Scripts to communicate to others what you need more of
Icon of a hand with a heart on the palm
Put your relationship back on the right track
I love the ideas!

I just took the quiz and I think the result of mine is pretty accurate. I love the ideas included in the “popular requests” section and I really love the “potential script” to help guide people on how to approach these conversations. 

Nury Chavez
Los Angeles, CA
Spot on!

I took the quiz, and the results were spot on! I also loved the accompanying photos—they were a perfect touch!

Austin, TX
Right on the money

 You have no idea how much you've helped me understand and approach sexual liberation and communication! 

Great Quiz!

I was surprised by my results but it honestly aligns with my inner thoughts.

It was on point!

I felt like my results were very accurate. Thanks for this quiz!

Very helpful!

I loved all the fun and actually helpful links. And loved the points you provided after the results.

San Diego
Thank you so much for this quiz.

As a trans masculine non-binary human who sometimes leans towards asexuality I really enjoyed the quiz. It helped me to confirm that I really need to release the sexpectations from my own life.

United States
I texted my partner the link to the quiz so I can hear more about his needs.

My results were pretty accurate! I'm in an open relationship, so this quiz really opened my eyes to my needs while also asking really thought-provoking questions, but that comes at no surprise-Shan asks the best questions. I can't wait to talk about his results with him!

United States
Loved it!

Overall the quiz was short, sweet, and to the point. Loved that. My results were very accurate and I loved the popular requests and potential script.

Ashley B.
United States

A safe and vibrant community where people who live for love (the sexy kind) unite, learn, and overshare

Polaroid of Shan that says "Love is the Answer!"